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Together, we are unstoppable in bringing our client's vision to life. With our diverse backgrounds and skill sets, we blend creativity, strategy, and a commitment to excellence. 

Whether it's brainstorming innovative ideas, crafting campaigns, or analyzing data to optimize results, we do it with your success in mind. 


Let's embark on this creative journey together. 


Scroll to learn a little more about Stephanie and Nina 



Hey there! I´m Stephanie, a marketing queen and community builder. My favorite thing is storytelling, let me tell yours.

I'm Stephanie, and I am so so so glad you are here! As you click through the pages of our site, I hope you will see the possibilities of how we can transform your business through the power of traditional and digital marketing. I'm rooting for you and your dreams, and I hope that together, we can reach all of your goals for this year. 

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I went on a long entrepreneurial journey to get here...

As a former brick-and-mortar store owner, A Realtor during one of the most significant recessions in modern times (think the 2008 era), and a busy Mom to a young son and incredible twin stepdaughters, I get it.. There are many moving parts in your life. And we are here to help with the business parts that are coming at you fast. 


Social Southern Creative was birthed out of a deep understanding of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur utilizing the power of marketing, pivoting when needed, and understanding dedication will outwork motivation every day of the week. 


I was blessed to have my business partner and Sister Nina join the Social Southern Creative team in 2022. She has exponential value to the company. She is a fantastic writer; she values and understands everything analytical, keeps the Pinterest game strong, and has the blog writing on point. Her research skills will rival any national agency.


So, what are you waiting for? If you are ready to grow and scale your business, reach out to us; we are prepared to help you with all things marketing and cheer you on along the way. 

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Are you tired of pouring hours into your marketing without any return on your investment?

There's good news: you don't have to any longer. We are a full-service marketing agency here to help you grow, scale, and thoroughly enjoy the fruits of your newfound marketing presence. 

Where you´re at...

You´re burned out from Socials


You´re embarrassed by your lack of presence 


You wish Socials would do the heavy lifting of client acquisition for you so you can focus on what you do best


You have no idea what platforms you need to be on 

Where you want to be...

Feeling secure and confident in Your Social Media game plan​


Becoming recognized as an expert in your field​


Having high converting clients come to you


Showing up where your ideal client is hanging out 

Social Southern Creative was built to give you more

We look at our relationship with your company as a partnership. We want to partner with you on success, growth, and consistency. 

A personalized comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your business

Expert advice communicated regularly and efficiently 

Dedicated support from our team 

Work with a team that stays up to date on all of the newest trends and market trajectories

Expect one-on-one personal connection 


Nice words that have been said about us



Venue Owner 

We have had the opportunity to work with Social Southern Creative as a client and a collaborator, and both times have provided valuable results for our business. Stephanie truly listened to what we wanted regarding our brand vision. She then created a strategy that not only fit our business model but our busy lives as entrepreneurs. She provided information and offered guidance on the actual implementation of a marketing strategy.

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Web Developer

I know Stephanie and Nina personally but have also had the opportunity and pleasure to collaborate with Social Southern Creative on several professional projects. They are top notch and their knowledge of marketing is incredible. I highly recommend working with them if you get the chance



Some of the ways we can work together...


Social Media Strategy & Development

Working from a strategy allows consistency, tracking, and the ability to understand what resonates with clients and potential clients. 


Business Launch

Perfect for the new business owner who wants to start in the right direction. We will discuss Branding, marketing, and the nitty-gritty details of launching a  business.


Product Launch 

Have a new service or product you are ready to get into the hands of the world but need help figuring out how to get started? Don't worry; we've got you covered! 


Content Creation & Curation

We will create your captions, imagery, emails, 

templates, blogs, etc. 



Consultations &
In-person Classes

Our consultations are perfect for those who need a little guidance but want to keep their marketing in house.




Branding is what allows you to charge the prices you charge. Proper Branding will carry your business in a variety of market conditions.




Fancy grabbing a coffee?

Not sure if Social Media Management is for you? Want more clarity? Reach out, let´s chat and we´ll do everything we can to help you out.

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