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Maximizing Marketing Dollars: Strategies for Real Estate Agents to Gain Exposure

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

Working from a place a strategy is a game changer in growing your business. Strategies allow you to avoid shiny object syndrome, stay focused, and achieve goals much faster.

The secret sauce to any win is the strategy!

Yes, some people luck up, but they are the anomaly, not the norm.

Consistent, long-term success comes from having a Strategy, staying focused on it, and implementing it with best practices in mind.

Tip #1 - Set Clear Goals

Without a clear goal, how will you know which steps to take to lead you toward achieving your goals? My plan this year was to take on three one-on-one clients. I then worked backward from there. I created content to attract clients, made clear calls to action, and created easy ways for potential clients to reach out to me. I thought of every roadblock they would face, and I worked to show them how to overcome it. With the goal set first, I laid out a path to accomplish it.

Tip #2 -Define Target Audience

Knowing your audience allows you to create your content from their perspective. What would they want to see? What would excite them or motivate them to use your company? Spend some time defining your target audience, and then make sure 85% of your content offers value or entertainment to them.

"What will your social media be? Will it be a pretty asthetic feed, will it be educational, will it be entertaining?"

Tip #3 - Select Marketing channels

Where will you show up? I am often asked what platforms I should be on. The ones you will actually show up on. Most social media platforms have around 3 billion monthly users, you can find enough clients on just about any of them. If you will only half-heartily show up on TikTok but give at least 85% to Facebook, then do Facebook. Go where you will be consistent.

Tip #4 - Let's talk all things content

Consistent valuable content (or entertaining content ) is the fastest way to build a loyal and engaged audience. You must plan your content to some degree, define your overall "feel" for your channel ( also known as branding), and create content with the viewer in mind.

Heres the break down for out content on Social Southern Creative's Instagram

85% Teaching

5% Motivational Quotes

5% Personal Topics (Such as struggles, barriers, and wins)

5% Things that bring me joy

Tip #5 - Budget

Most people believe the budget should come first, but if you are a small business owner going at this alone, define steps 1 -4 first. Knowing steps 1-4 and seeing how big your goals are would allow you to know how big your budget needs to be to bring your goals to fruition. When finances get tight in your business, I will encourage you not to cut the marketing budget automatically. If done correctly, your marketing budget will make you money, not cost you.

Don't stop reading now, the freebie is coming

Working from a strategy freed up my life in so many ways. I have more mental free space, time, and energy to pour into other business areas.

If you want to work from a strategy but need help getting started, click the link below and enter your email address. We will email you a 15-page step-by-step guide on creating a strategy for your business.

Ask youself?

Ask yourself this when creating a Marketing Strategy?


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