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Our Teen Entrepreneurship Program, Coming Fall 2024!

R.I.S.E for Teens (Revealing Innovative Strategies and Entrepreneurship for Teens)

Hey there, future moguls and business trailblazers!

We're beyond excited to announce the launch of our Teen Entrepreneurship Program for the fall of 2024 – an interactive and fun-filled virtual camp designed to inspire and empower the next generation of business leaders. Whether you're already running a lemonade empire or have a spark of entrepreneurial curiosity, this program is perfect!

Social Southern Creative Teen Program

Why Join Our Virtual Camp?

Our program spans 6 to 8 weeks, offering a mix of learning, hands-on experience, and community building. Here's a sneak peek into what's in store:

  1. Foundations of Business:

  • Laws and Accounting for Teens: Learn the basics of business law and how to manage your finances like a pro.

  • Securing Investors: Tips and tricks for pitching to parents, grandparents, neighbors, and more to get your business off the ground.

  1. Marketing 101:

  • Dive into the marketing world and discover how to make your business stand out.

  • Learn about branding, social media strategies, traditional marketing, and reaching your target audience effectively.

  1. Smart Investing:

  • Understand the importance of reinvesting in your business for growth and sustainability.

  • Explore ways to manage profits and plan for the future.

  1. Weekly Challenges:

  • Put your new skills to the test with fun, engaging challenges that will have you applying what you've learned in real-world scenarios.

  • Each week brings a new adventure, from creating a business plan to designing a marketing campaign.

Interactive and Engaging

While our camp is virtual, it's anything but isolating! We've packed our program with interactive sessions, lively discussions, and opportunities to connect with fellow young entrepreneurs. Here's how we keep the energy high:

  • Guest Speakers: Hear from successful entrepreneurs and industry experts who will share their journeys, insights, and tips for success.

  • Collaborative Projects: Work with other "campers" on projects, share ideas, and get inspired by different perspectives.

  • Fun and Games: Participate in entrepreneurial games and activities designed to make learning fun and engaging.

The Grand Finale: Shark Tank-Style Presentations

To wrap up the camp, we'll host a thrilling Shark Tank-style business presentation event. You'll get the chance to pitch your business idea to a panel of "sharks" and showcase everything you've learned. It's a fantastic opportunity to gain confidence, receive feedback, and celebrate your entrepreneurial journey.

Who Can Join?

This program is open to teens 14 to 17 with an entrepreneurial spirit. You don't need an existing business or even a concrete idea. All you need is curiosity, creativity, and a passion for starting your own business.

We can't wait to meet you and watch your entrepreneurial dreams come to life. Stay tuned for registration details, and get ready to unleash your potential!

Let's create, innovate, and conquer the business world together. See you at the camp!

Check out our Podcast episodes to learn a little more about us:

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